Chapter One :Chapter 1

  It was another bright sunny day in Heathrow City palace.

  The wide beautiful and well decorated palace was filled with well dressed maids and guards as they went about their activities.

  Queen Camille comes down majestically from the long flight of stairs as two of her personal maids followed her from behind.

  "What have the cooks prepared for breakfast? "She asked grumpily and they quickly replied her.

  Queen Camille finally got to the largest living room and sat on one of the big sofas. "Get my phone!" She ordered as one of them quickly rushed back the long stairs. Almost immediately, she returned with a phone and handed it over to the queen.

  Queen Camille dialled a number before placing it on her ear.

  "Yes? Are my son's clothes ready?" She said into the phone. "Okay. Make sure it's delivered here on time. He can't afford to miss that ball." She warned strictly before cutting the call.

  Thereafter, she stood up and was escorted to the dinning.


  * "I'm not interested in that ball, Freddie." Prince Jason scoffed into the phone as he threw his wardrobe open. He just stepped out of the shower and had walked to his big wardrobe to find something to wear.

  Prince Jason is the only son and therefore, the heir apparent to the throne. He's not only handsome, he's cute with the perfect features for a prince. His dark golden hair was long enugh to be packed into a ponytail, but he prefers wearing it down, making him look more charming and cool.

  Freddie laughed from the other line. "You've got no choice my friend. You've got to be there and besides, Clarissa will be there also. You know how crazy she is over you. It's gonna be fun." Freddie laughed again.

  He knew it wasn't gonna be fun at all... Not when princess Clarissa is around. It was actually gonna be disastrous.

  A loud knock came on the door and Jason sighed. He knew exactly who that was. "Freddie.... mom's here already. Catch up with you guys later. Um...are Kyle and Wesley there already?

  "Nope....I guess they are on their way." Freddie replied.

  "Jason! You are running late!" Queen Camille grumbled from outside.

  Jason rolled his eyes and cut the call before walking over to the door. He opened it and leaned against the door frame. "I'm almost done."

  Queen Camille's eyes widened. "You are not even dressed yet, Jason!"

  I'll be done in no time mom!" Jason mumbled and slightly returned into the room. He hated his life, hated the way he wasn't allowed to make decisions and yet he's a prince.

  Jason sighed and finally got dressed before heading out of the room.


  * {Somewhere in New York}

  "More wine please!!" Someone yelled from the crowd, making the girl behind the counter groan loudly.

  Karen Moore stood up from her long stool and went to serve the noisy customer. She served him more wine and returned to the bar to do some calculations. Her colleague, Scarlett Winter comes in from a door beside the bar. She put down the tray she was holding before inhaling deeply. "Tonight's really busy don't you think?" Scarlett chipped in as she watched Karen press her calculator.

  Karen smiled but didn't look up. "You can say that again but look.... we've got bonuses and Mr Alex is gonna be happy too." Karen replied and Scarlett rolled her eyes.

  "Ugh! Don't you ever get tired!" She grumbled.

  "Nope... Not when money is involved." Karen said and laughed.

  The last customer left at about past 10pm and Karen decided it was time they went home. They closed up all the the windows and doors before dressing into their own clothes.

  They both took their umbrellas and walked out of the large beautiful bar after switching off dozens of light.

  "Okay.... I guess I'm seeing you tomorrow?" Karen asked as they waited at the road side in the dark.

  "I might take the day off tommorow. I'm damn too tired." Scarlett said and yawned. Karen laughed and hit her playfully on the arm.

  A bus pulled along and they quickly got in.

  As the bus pulled back into the road, Karen's mind drifted off to herself and her family. She's twenty-one but actually works like a thirty five year old lady, just to make ends meet.

  Karen is not only pretty, she's got this delicate beauty that draws lots of attention but Karen would never give in to them - the nose-poker boys.

  Tall for her age with a long chestnut hair and a very shapely figure. Abandoned by their own father, Karen takes up the responsibility of taking care of her mom and kid sister.

  The bus stopped suddenly and Karen realized she was home already. She said goodnight to Scarlett and came down from the bus. Karen walked to the smaller gate of their house and walked in.

  She stepped into the medium sized living room, switched on the light and looked around.

  There was no one in sight.

  "Mom?" She called.

  "Karen?" Her sister called from behind and Karen turned to look at her with a smile.

  "Katherina. Where's mom?"

  "She's asleep already. She complained about having a headache." Katherina replied before going closer to Kate. The sisters hugged and Katerina bursted into tears startling Karen.

  "Hey... what's wrong?" Karen whispered.

  "I.....I... couldn't go on an excursion with my classmates today. I didn't pay for it, you know?" Katherina rolled her eyes.

  Karen sighed. "It's okay Kate. I know you would have loved to go but you can join them next time, okay? I promise." Karen said touching her hair lovingly.

  Katherina smiled and they both walked into their mother's room. "Mom?" Karen called and sat beside her on the bed.

  Ashley smiled on seeing her lovely daughter. "Princess, you are back." She said with a proud smile.

  "Yes mom. Have you taken your drugs?"

  "Yes, I did. Come on, you need to go rest now. You must be very tired." Ashley replied.

  Karen yawned. "Okay mom. Goodnight." Karen said and left with her sister to their room.

  Although the room was small, it was quite beautiful and full of decoration with matching colour of pink.

  Karen walked out of the room and had her bath. She returned minutes later to see her sister already asleep.

  Too tired to eat dinner, she laid down on the bed and slept off.


  * {Heathrow palace}

  Prince Jason sat down behind the garden with his friends who are also princes in different kingdoms.

  They were having a drink and discussing about the last royal ball they attended.

  "Gosh! Clarissa is just too crazy you know. She actually kissed you?" Wesley laughed out loud, although Jason didn't think it was funny.

  Jason sighed and dropped his glass on the table. "Look guys, I'm sick and tired of attending those stupid royal balls with bunch of crazy girls.

  I've always wanted something more fun than that. I wanna leave the four walls of this palace and see what it feels like to mix up with people out there.

  I wish I had the privilege to just... I just wanna be a normal guy out there who's gonna be free to go out whenever he likes. I'm almost twenty eight guys! it's annoying!" Jason groaned.

  His friends stared at him, wondering why he really wanted to go out of the palace.

  "We've been outside before Jason and it's not really great bro! t's rather too stressful." Kyle replied and Jason scoffed.

  "Don't even try discouraging me, okay? We need to get out of here." Jason chipped in.

  Freddie smiled and touched Jason's arm. "Let's work it out bro. I'm sure you mom's gonna listen to you...just tell her you would like to visit some place with us." Freddie said and Jason sighed again.

  He knew his mother very well. She would never consent to something like that.

  "Mom would never allow me outta here guys. Might just as well die of loneliness one day."

  "But.... We are here for you right?" Kyle asked.

  Jason poured himself another drink and sipped from it before looking at Kyle. "You guys are always gonna go back to return maybe in three days time.

  And except phone calls, it's rather boring." Jason shrugged. The queen stood by the entrance, listening to her son. At some point, she became scared.

  Die of loneliness? Jeez! that's huge. She thought as she returned to her room. She got there and the thought of her son clouded her mind.

  Are they doing the right thing by keeping him locked up here in the palace? What if he really dies of loneliness?

  "No.... I've got to do something." Queen Camille said to herself and sat on her couch.

  She concluded in her heart that once the king was back from one of his numerous trips, she was gonna discuss it with him.

  She's not ready to lose her son. Never.



  "Come in." The king's deep voice said softly from behind. Queen Camille walked in with smiles on her face for seeing her handsome husband again.

  There was no doubt prince Jason took after his father, the king. They had this striking resemblance that always marvelled people.

  Both father and son shared this handsomeness and cool personality.

  "My King." Queen Camille beamed as they hugged.

  "How have you been? How was the meeting?" The queen asked before sitting opposite him.

  King Jasper shrugged. "It went well. I've not seen Jason since I came."

  Queen Camille sighed. " He's in his room, operating on his laptop and I'm actually here because of him."

  King Jasper looked at her. "What happened?"

  "My love, it's time we grant Jason the opportunity to see the outside world. Don't you think?"

  "Why do you say that all of a sudden?"

  "I heard something that really broke my heart and caused me a lot of fear. Let's just grant him the access to see the outside world. Please."

  The king was staring at her, wondering why she wanted them to release their son so badly to go outside the palace.

  "That's on one condition. He's permitted to go out just once. It's dangerous out there, you Know. So, we are gonna give him a day off from the palace as an ordinary person." The queen beamed. "That's good enough!" She stood up immediately and bowed before walking out of the room, heading straight to Jason's room to break the news.

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